Austen · Historical · NovElla

Jane Austen’s Birthday 2020

Jane Austen’s 245th birthday! Happy Birthday Jane Austen! December 16, 1775 – July 18, 1817Picture source: The famous author of Pride and Prejudice, Emma, and other novels, December 16, 2020 marks Jane Austen’s 245th birthday! Although the above portrait has not been officially authenticated as Jane Austen herself, there is a lot of evidence… Continue reading Jane Austen’s Birthday 2020

Austen · NovElla · Quotes

Jane Austen’s Birthday 2019

Happy Birthday Jane Austen! December 16, 1775 – July 18, 1817 “At Christmas every body invites their friends about them, and people think little of even the worst weather. I was snowed up at a friend’s house once for a week. Nothing could be pleasanter.” – Jane Austen, Emma [said by Mr. Elton]  

Austen · NovElla

Jane Austen’s Birthday

Happy Birthday Jane Austen! Jane Austen was born on December 16, 1775 in Steventon, a rural village of Hampshire, England. She lived until 1817. The author of a number of novels, it’s easy to honor Jane Austen’s birthday by reading something she wrote. Her character Emma even had great advice for those awkward moments in… Continue reading Jane Austen’s Birthday

Austen · NovElla · Quotes

Autumn is for the Poets

  “Her pleasure in the walk must arise from the exercise and the day, from the view of the last smiles of the year upon the tawny leaves and withered hedges, and from repeating to herself some few of the thousand poetical descriptions extant of autumn–that season of peculiar and inexhaustible influence on the mind… Continue reading Autumn is for the Poets

Austen · Historical · NovElla

A Fine Brush on Ivory

Watercolor of Jane Austen by her sister, Cassandra, 1804   A Fine Brush on Ivory: An Appreciation of Jane Austen is a light academic analysis of Jane Austen’s writings by Richard Jenkyns, a professor and researcher of classical literature. If you like reading Jane Austen, and exploring the ideas within her works, this is the… Continue reading A Fine Brush on Ivory