
Liebster Award

The Liebster Award is given to bloggers, by bloggers. Blog nominees are usually on the smaller side, and this award helps to promote them! Nominees of the Liebster Award who wish to participate can post the award on their blog. All you should do is answer the questions indicated by your nominator and make some nominations of your own, along with your questions.

I was nominated by Mei-Mei at Jedi by Night – so thank you, thank you, thank you to Mei-Mei!

Liebster Award

My Answers to the questions in Mei-Mei’s post:

Why did you decide to blog in the first place?

This one is easy – the blogosphere is such a great community and blogging looked like so much fun. I love putting posts together, sharing my thoughts with you, and most importantly, hearing what you think as well!

Name three of your pastimes or hobbies.

  1. Reading – you can never have enough books, right? 🙂
  2. Astronomy – I’m super excited about the solar eclipse this summer!
  3. I also love to stay active – I’m a big fan of skiing, skating, and running.

If you could interview anyone (dead or alive), who would it be and why?

There’s so much I’d love to ask Jane Austen, or William Shakespeare.

Jane Austen Portrait

Do you have any pets? If not, what would you consider getting?

Plants need love too: I have a spiky little tillandsia (“air plant”) as my latest companion.


What is your favorite book/movie and why?

The Lord of the Rings is definitely my favorite, for books and movies. I’m really into fantasy and this story is captivating.

What is your favorite Youtube channel?

Honestly, I don’t really watch Youtube channels, but there was one important exception, which I’ll highlight here: Pemberley Digital’s The Lizzie Bennet Diaries!  A fun, fresh take on Pride and Prejudice, this is a series worth watching.

If you could cosplay as any character, who would it be and why?

I think I’d like to try Arrietty, from the anime of The Borrowers that’s called The Secret World of Arrietty. I went to a talk about women characters in anime recently, and it reminded me what a great character she is!


What is your favorite topic to write about?

If you’ve been reading my blog lately, I think this one is pretty obvious. I’m currently in the middle of a Cinderella-themed series of posts and I couldn’t be enjoying it more!

What’s your favorite fandom?

You can probably guess, based on my favorite book and movie, that I’m a Lord of the Rings fan through and through 🙂 .

J R R Tolkien



The Liebster Award is about highlighting blogs, and here are some hidden gems I’ve found interesting:


Nominees, here are your questions. Answer as many or as few as you like. Some questions are the same as the ones I answered, but I threw in some new ones as well!

  1. Why did you decide to blog in the first place?
  2. What is your favorite topic to write about?
  3. Name three of your pastimes or hobbies.
  4. If you could interview anyone (dead or alive), who would it be and why?
  5. There’s been a recent influx of video blogs, or vlogs, portraying literary adaptations. What book/story or concept would you like to see portrayed? (Or pick your own modern medium!)
  6. Do you have a favorite quote, mantra, or pithy saying?


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